Thursday 18 September 2014

The Characters...

Katniss Everdeen:  Katniss is 16 years old at the beginning of the book.  She is quiet, independent and fierce.  She has long dark hair, olive skin and grey eyes.  Katniss lives with her mum and sister Primrose in district 12, a coal-mining district and one of the poorer districts of Panem.  She was a tribute in the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, after her sister had been picked initially and Katniss then volunteered to save her sister.  Katniss' father died in an mining accident and she helped the family to survive by hunting for food.

Peeta Mellark:  Peeta is the male tribute from district 12, in both the 74th and 75th Hunger games.  He is 16 years old in the first book and a son of a baker and has a passion for art.  Peeta lives with his father, mother and two brothers.  Sadly all of his family died in the second book Catching Fire.  He is quite charismatic, which helps him in the Hunger Games.

Primrose Everdeen:  Primrose is an innocent character, nicknamed Prim.  She is Katniss' sister and she is 12 years old in the first book.  Like her mother she has blond hair and blue eyes.  She is thoughtful and sweet and a skilled healer, having been taught by her mother.  Unfortunately she dies in the last book.

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